Obstetrics and Gynecology

Mission Statement
Trinity Health Ann Arbor's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology is an academic program within a community hospital focused on residency training in Obstetrics and Gynecology. The large volume of surgical and obstetrical patients coupled with a committed faculty using evidence-based medicine allows for training of outstanding clinicians. High academic standards in a supportive, respectful work environment allows each resident to pursue his/her specific goal of competency in the General Ob/Gyn practice or subspecialty training.
Trinity Health Ann Arbor is one of the finest teaching hospitals in the Midwest. As an independent academic medical center focused on the practice and teaching of evidence-based medicine, we offer our residents the best of all worlds. The environment of scholarship is defined by faculty members active in the pursuit of knowledge. Teaching and research typically found at a university hospital is coupled with a large volume of gynecologic and obstetrical patients creating the program that "has it all". The foundation of a resident's medical knowledge is based on a sound grasp of the basic sciences. We focus on academics through a rigorous Core curriculum lecture series, weekly Grand Rounds and quarterly Journal clubs. Weekly protected time for all of these educational sessions allows our residents to step back from the demands of patient care and fully engage in these learning opportunities.
Research within our department is focused on answering clinical questions pertinent to a practicing obstetrician gynecologist. The Academic Research Department consisting of two PhD's, five nurse coordinators and a focused departmental funded resident research director, provide support to residents completing, presenting and publishing their research projects.
We know there is much more to a residency program than obstetrical maneuvers and surgical dexterity. Deciding when to do surgery is as important as learning how to do surgery. Our twice monthly pre-operative conference has advanced the learning and quality of care in the peri-operative arena. This, coupled with the high surgical volume and high degree of involvement in cases, has enabled our graduates to transition well to productive independent surgical practice.
Compassionate care is as important as competent diagnosis. In parallel with the core values of the institution: a) reverence, b) commitment to those who are poor, c) justice d) stewardship and e) integrity, the residency strives to keep these at the center of our program and our future strategic planning. We incorporate the goals of the institutional initiatives and yearly present the residents with up to date information on the most pressing needs of the community we serve. An illustrative example of how we do this in our training is through our fully resident run CenteringPregnancy program that directly serves the underserved population in our midst. This program brings together interdisciplinary expertise, and fosters interactive community support amongst the patients. This patient care experience has allowed the residents to be immersed in the needs of their patients and participate in activating resources on a community level while observing the outcomes in one cohort over the course of several months.
Personal development is just as important as the acquisition of professional skills. Areas of focus have been an establishment of strong mentorship, developing aspects of resilience, promoting opportunities for leadership and providing accessible resources for mental health support. By emphasizing the entire scope of learning at St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor, our residents develop the skills to be complete physicians.
Program Aims
- Educate residents to be excellent practitioners of general obstetrics and gynecology with the versatility to be successful across a myriad of settings including rural medical centers, underserved populations, high acuity high volume institutions and academic environments including fellowship programs
- Train residents that have a high level of scholarly and leadership capacity that will promote a career of: lifelong learning, evidence based practice, successful completion of ABOG certification, and an aptitude for leadership contributions in the medical community
- Develop a strong awareness amongst the residents of quality and safety initiatives that influence: patient care outcomes, the health of surrounding communities, the strength of the specialty and the financial sustainability of the institutions we practice within
- Promote skills amongst the trainees that facilitate physician wellness, protect against burnout, and foster career longevity