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Colorectal Cancer

Beautiful middle-aged woman looks forward while wearing a head wrap

When you come to Trinity Health Michigan, you receive colorectal cancer care from a team that cares about you as a person. Our team includes fellowship-trained doctors and surgeons. This means they have completed the highest level of training on how to prevent and treat cancers affecting the colon, rectum and anus.

Our nurse navigators are by your side, making it easier to receive the treatments you need and support for healing. We develop a relationship with you that may extend years beyond colorectal cancer treatment. This ongoing connection helps more patients enjoy good health and a cancer-free life.

Timely Colorectal Cancer Care at Trinity Health Michigan

Colorectal cancer includes cancerous growths in your colon, rectum or anus, which are part of your lower digestive system. If we detect one of these growths, our nurse navigator reaches out to you as quickly as possible.

Colon Cancer and Rectal Cancer Care: Why Choose Us?

At Trinity Health Michigan, you receive care from a compassionate team of trusted colorectal cancer experts. Surgeons work alongside other cancer specialists, including radiation oncologists, medical oncologists and social workers. We are in regular communication so we can respond to your needs.

Highlights of our program include:

  • Expertise: All of our surgeons specialize in minimally invasive colon and rectal surgery. These techniques treat cancer using small incisions and sophisticated technologies. We perform a high volume of procedures, which means fewer complications and better outcomes for patients compared to other programs.
  • Latest treatments: Our team uses the most advanced care techniques, which means you may be treated with radiation and chemotherapy instead of surgery. We also lead and participate in research exploring new treatments through clinical trials. Find out more about cancer research and clinical trials.
  • Organ-sparing surgery: We offer innovative surgical techniques, such as transanal excision, to remove rectal cancers that extend beyond surface layers of tissue. These precise procedures preserve healthy tissue and your ability to have a bowel movement.
  • Specialized care for complex cases: We have experience treating people at risk for complications due to other medical problems, such as obesity and diabetes. We also have years of experience treating colon cancer that has spread to other areas, including the liver. Our team works together to coordinate any additional services you may need for safe, effective care of more complex conditions.
  • Nurse navigators: Our nurse navigators are here for you providing encouragement and assistance throughout your cancer care journey. We coordinate appointments for tests and treatments. And if you experience unexpected symptoms or challenges, we are quick to address them.
  • Prevention: Early detection allows us to detect and treat suspicious growths before they become cancerous. We also provide regular monitoring for people who face a higher risk of colon, rectal, or anal cancer, including people who engage in anal sex.

Colorectal Cancer Treatments We Offer

Our caring colorectal cancer experts develop a personalized care plan based on the size and location of the cancer. Our team of colorectal cancer experts, including surgeons, radiation and medical oncologists as well as specially trained nurses, work together to tailor services to meet your needs.

Treatment options for colon cancer and rectal cancer include:

  • Surgery: You have access to a broad range of options. We remove some cancers using sophisticated surgical tools that minimize scarring. We also have years of experience successfully using these techniques to remove cancers higher up in the colon. Our expertise helps you achieve excellent results.
  • Radiation therapy: We use beams of energy and sophisticated technologies to destroy cancer cells. Your care may include radiation therapy with the CyberKnife® Radiosurgery system. We deliver high doses of radiation with precision and in fewer treatments. Learn more about radiation therapy.
  • Chemotherapy: We use the latest cancer-fighting drugs, including recently approved options. In addition to chemotherapy, you may have access to other innovative options, such as immunotherapy. Find out more about chemotherapy and medical oncology.

Specialized Support for Trinity Health Michigan Cancer Patients

Living with colorectal cancer can bring unexpected challenges to your life, and our team is here to help. If you are feeling anxious or depressed, our social workers offer emotional support. If you are struggling with medical bills, our cancer financial navigators help you explore insurance options and financial resources. Get more information about our supportive care and services.

Colorectal Cancer Screening and Prevention Services

We take extra steps to catch cancer early, when treatment is more likely to be successful. We also offer services to protect you against cancer that may come back after treatment.

Our services include:

  • Colorectal cancer screening: We help many people avoid a colorectal cancer diagnosis with regular screening tests, such as colonoscopy. This procedure allows us to detect and remove precancerous growths (polyps) before they spread. We offer a range of screening options making it easier for you to receive the care you need. Learn more about colorectal cancer screening.
  • Genetic testing: After confirming a colorectal cancer diagnosis, we perform genetic testing to check for changes (mutations). The mutations may run in your family, meaning your relatives face a higher risk of colorectal cancer. In some cases, we’ll recommend early screening or genetic testing for other members of your family.
  • Ongoing monitoring: After colorectal cancer treatment, there is a chance the cancer will come back. We develop a personalized schedule that includes exams, imaging and colonoscopy to catch the earliest signs of any problems. That way you can face your future with confidence.